Area Women Tackle Football

By Lee

Who are the Cleveland Brewers?

The Brewers are factory workers, truck drivers, machine operators, store clerks, dog wardens, and a group of brave women playing professional women's football. The Brewers play in the NWFLNational Women's Football League. Home games are played at Baldwin-Wallace College's Finney Stadium in Berea. So far in league their record stands at 2-1.

The first game of the season was played in Battle Creek Michigan, where they beat the B.C. Rainbows 25-0. Then they played the Cincinnati Mavericks at home and beat them 14-6. In Columbus the following weekend, playing with three rookies and a injury-riddled team they lost their first game to the Pacesetters 42-0. A rematch of these two teams will be played on October 4th.

Asking a few players why they wanted to play football I received a variety of answers.

"Love the contact, I really enjoy going out there and breaking up a



All Cleveland women and children are invited to attend the TAKE BACK THE NIGHT MARCH on October 24, 1981. It will begin in front of the University Center, Cleveland State University, 2121 Euclid Ave. at 7:00 p.m.

Said "Violence against women increases daily, on the street, at work, at home, in the day and the night. Come show your support in demanding that these violations be stopped! Join us and march through the streets of Cleveland for the third year to voice our anger.

Together we will march with our sisters worldwide until-WE STOP THE WAR AGAINST US!

After the march two films will be shown by Women Against Violence Against Women. KILLING U SOFTLY and the WOMEN AGAINST PORNOGRAPHY SLIDE SHOW. This will be held at CSU Law School, Euclid at 18th Street. Childcare will be provided. If you would like more information or o would like to get involved can



"The Challenge. I wanted to see if I could do it."

"It's a team sport and I really enjoy working with these other women in trying to keep the other team from scoring.”

"I always watched football on TV and wished that I could play, so it was really great being on the field and playing the game not watching it."

"I've been well known in my family for doing anything different, things society doesn't feel women can do."

The Brewers practice four nights a week and work out from two to three hours each practice. Conditioning is really tough. They start by doing warm up exercises, running sprints, jogging the football field and then the tackling exercises. Running through plays and learning new plays is all in a practice of the Cleveland Brewers.

How do these women react to the public?

"A lot of people laugh when I tell



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them I play football, so I invite them out to a game and when they realize they seem to accept it and enjoy the game."

"Most people feel it to be a little odd, but once they have seen us play a game they come back and watch another game. The price of the tickets are reasonable and they see two teams really putting a lot of effort and time into playing a good and fun 'all American women's game'. Football is not just a man's game, we are here too, and we love it."


Jeff Wright Works Featured


High GEAR DAY at Arcade Art (Sept. 15th) provided fun-filled hours of art and people watching. The opening of Jeff Wright's interesting one-man exhibit was wellreceived and the topic of conversation for the day.

From 2 to 7 p.m., wine and cheese were served and gave opportunity to meet and talk to the artist. Many people dropped in and spent a few minutes browsing and chatting.

Cards purchased that day helped, fill the HIGH GEAR coffers with approximately $23 that will be used to purchase office equipment.

that we take playing football serious There you have it, meet the Cleveland Brewers, join the Brewers, support the Brewers.

Oct. 4th Home Columbus Pacesetters

Oct. 10th Away Cincinnati Mavericks


Oct. 18th Home Battle Creek Rainbows

Home games on Sunday 1:00 p.m. game time. The price of admission is Adults 3.50, Over 65 free, Children under 12, free.

Jeff Wright (1) discusses his works in the background, with Ann Roulet, Dean of Cleveland Institute of Art.

PHOTO: Carol Calabrese 1981

Women's Open House

The Women's Open House will begin its second year of monthly coffeehouse-style evenings for women on Sat., Oct. 24 from 8 pm midnight. Returning by popular demand will be Janice and Judee Dzigiel from Kent, who will be sharing their original woman-identified music. The October Open House will also feature a raffle.

The Women's Open House provides a relaxed, informal, chemicalfree atmosphere for women to socialize and enjoy music by local performers, Coffee, tea, juices and

snacks are available from our kit

chen, and a $1 donation is asked at the door for the entertainment. All women are welcome.

For the past year the Open Houses have been held in private homes, as will be the case in October. However, we are planning to expand into larger, nonresidential spaces beginning in November, and suggestions for locations are always welcome. We are also looking for women musicians and other performers who would like to share their music, comedy, poetry, etc. with other

women in a supportive environment. For Open House locations and other information, please call the Hotline at 621-3380.


Inadvertently, credit for a photo was not given in last month's issue. Credit for the photo of Jeff Wright should have been given to Sharon Boynton. Our sincerest apologies:

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